© Enchanted Garden 2024


Enchanted Garden 2024

13th to 15th of September, 2024
Gesäuse National Park, Austria.




or send us an e-mail to enchantedgarden2024@gmail.com

Regular ticket price (€147.-) valid until the 31.08. 
from the 01.09. until the 07.09. we will still sell “late bird tickets” with an additional fee of €30.- 

Enchanted Garden 2024 will take place as a festival in the Gesäuse National Park in Styria. The participants will spend a weekend indulging in the intricate connection of art and nature, in the vastness of this never-ending garden. We provide only a limited stock of 30 tickets to allow this to take the shape and atmosphere we are aiming for. Short film projections, nature walks, artistically-explorative workshops, performances and concerts will be part of this year’s program. The nights will be spent at a camping site in the middle of the natural park. Join us in this immersive experience. 
If you have any problems with the ticket purchase, please contact us via email at enchantedgarden2024@gmail.com



There is the possibility to join for single events during the festival with a pre-registration.

For signing up contact us via email at enchantedgarden2024@gmail.com

Events that do not require pre-registration:
13.9. 21:00 Garden Shorts (open air film screening)
14.9. 15:30-18:30 “Enchanted Nature Walk” (national park hike with Hannah Ida, Gregor Piskernik and the tree, Julia Fuchsig and the Poetry Picknick)



  • Weidendom:  Fairytale Feast, Garden Shorts, Workshops (“The Magic of Super 8!“ and “Caffenol Workshop”), MUEL Concert
  • Camping Forstgarten: Sleeping, Workshop (”Contact Point”)